Critical Approaches to Development 2018

The workshop “Critical Approaches to Development” was held in the spirit of inviting academic staff both internal and external to IRI and PUC-Rio to reflect on alternatives to the more conventional understanding of development such as economic growth, more importantly, alternatives under construction in the South Global. The workshop was held at the BRICS Research and Study Center, on November 29 and 30, 2018. The main objectives were to discuss knowledge in the Global South and the Global South about these critical approaches, to know new alternatives being proposed and to discuss the implications of these visions at the present moment of international politics, mainly in face of the UN 2030 Agenda and the growing search for a role of the South in the field of development. For this reason, the workshop also included the participation of academic guests, but also professionals from the field, in addition to inviting work submissions by students and post-graduate teachers external to IRI.
Isabel Rocha de Siqueira, associate professor (IRI / PUC-Rio) and researcher (BPC)
Support (IRI / PUC-Rio):
Paulo Chamon, postdoctoral researcher
Ana Carolina Lacerda, Master's student
Alexandra Teixeira, Master's student
Francisco Matos, PhD student
Camila Santos, PhD student
For more information on future initiatives,
register in " Contact" .

Workshop 2018 presentations (click on the download icon ):
Acosta, Alberto
Del desarrollo en su labirinto... al postdesarrollo
Almeida Filho, Niemeyer e Nascimento, Carlos Alves
Políticas de desenvolvimento orientadas numa perspectiva Sul–Sul, América Latina
Cardoso, Ana Carolina
Direito Ambiental Internacional: entre a natureza e o desenvolvimento humano?
Intzín, Juan Lopes
La insurgencia del Ch'Ulel: corazonar su pontencial políticio epistémico descentrando la hegemonía del saber occidental
Lacerda, Ana Carolina
Overcoming heterogeneity: the making of democratic fronts in Brazilian social movements to assure sustainable development
Lopes, Rafael Bittencourt Rodrigues
Terra e vida conectadas: a articulação de conceitos da filosofia andina para se pensar um modelo de alternativa ao
desenvolvimento no Equador
Machado, Lucas Manuel
Puede el desarrollo ser sostenible con comodificación? Economía verde y cuestionamientos sobre desarrollo
Mayar, Habib
Leaving no One behind : g7+ perspectives
Otávio, Anselmo
Contestação, Aceitação e Responsabilidade Mútua: o desenvolvimento no Continente Africano
Rocha de Siqueira, Isabel
Vivência e convivência: contribuições das críticas ao desenvolvimento em tempos de conservadorismo
Rojas, Cristina
Hacia Prácticas de Desarrollo Pluriversales, Relacionales,
Femeninas y No Públicas
Suyama, Bianca
Ecologia dos saberes explorando realidades inspiradores rumo a novas utopias